

Although I don't take Valentine's Day too seriously, I have to admit that it's a holiday that involves a lot of cute and pretty things. And it's a day to indulge in chocolate! The Dude and I have a tradition of going out to eat fish and chips on Valentine's. This year we'll probably go to our favourite place on Granville Island, where this tradition started.

Here's a collection of Valentine's Day themed items from some of my favourite indie online stores. I've bought items from each of these sellers before so I have no qualms about endorsing them.

These are all great items to give to someone you care about or to give to yourself!

On a final note, this will be my last blog post before we move to our new place! We'll be spending the entire weekend packing like mad elves. So I won't be updating my blog for a couple weeks while we get settled. Both of my shops, LAX TO YVR and Sugarpush Vintage, will be closed briefly. They will re-open in early February, once I get my internet connection set up.


  1. What unique and cute picks! Thank you! Maria xoxo

  2. Thank you so much for including my card here! I LOVE both of your shops, too!! Good luck with your move!!! :)
